Proven, Effective

It is time for real leadership in Anchorage.

Chris Tuck has the vision and experience to bring real change to Anchorage. As a former Anchorage School Board member and with seven terms in the Alaska Legislature, Chris has over 15 years of experience in elected office. Chris’s ability to bring people together and to truly listen gets results. He earns the respect of his colleagues, so much so that he was elected House Minority Leader for two terms, and then two more terms as House Majority Leader of the first bipartisan coalition of the Alaska House in decades.

In his roles as Majority and Minority Leader, Chris negotiated with the State Senate and Governor over Alaska’s multi-billion dollar budgets. He is dedicated to finding solutions by including all stakeholders, not just the ones that agree with him.

“I want to make Anchorage a place where ideas and innovation flourish and where education is the highest quality. As a result, the economy thrives, jobs are rewarding, and the homeless have hope.”

Anchorage needs real leadership, and cannot afford another three years of partisan division. Anchorage needs solutions to critical problems and not blame and finger-pointing. Anchorage needs a mayor for ALL of its citizens.

Chris Tuck will be that mayor. He will unite Anchorage, move us forward and get the job done!

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Working together for our future.

Chris has a vision to address our city’s critical issues for Anchorage. It is a living document that will grow and evolve based on community input.

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