At the end of my first term, I promise:
My administration will be the model of good governance and ethics.
Every department will be led by competent administrators who value their employees and qualified staff who understand they serve the people first.
The workplace environment at the Muni, from the Mayor’s office on down will be competent, professional and focused on the Municipality functioning effectively for the benefit of Anchorage residents.
Municipal government will be responsive to the needs of the people of Anchorage — not my or anyone else’s personal agenda.
The Challenges to Overcome
The two-plus years of the Bronson Administration has amounted to willful neglect of municipal services. The snow removal crisis of last winter is just one obvious and visible example of failure on the part of the Bronson Administration. Almost every aspect of Municipal government suffers from Bronson’s desire to advance his personal beliefs and reward his donors, friends and family at the expense of effective government. The Bronson Administration refuses to advance qualified candidates to head important Muni departments. Many of his appointees do not met the minimum requirements of the jobs they were to hold. Others have misused or misappropriated funds for their own gain.
Bronson has a profound lack of respect and understanding of the Municipal Charter and municipal policies. He sidesteps and ignores procurement procedures, and directs contracts and appointments to political supporters. The Muni cannot retain its employees, and many leave because of toxic workplace conditions, or due to misconduct of Bronson appointees. The Mayor and his administration have been the subject of numerous employment lawsuits which have forced Anchorage taxpayers dollars to be wasted defending the Mayor’s misconduct.
Chris seeks to undo the damage done by the Bronson administration and restore people's faith in our Municipal Government.

Working together for our future.
There are three hallmarks of each plan:
Each issue will have clear, measurable goals and benchmarks.
A roadmap to address each issue, with specific examples and initiatives needed to achieve the goals.
A recognition and invitation for all stakeholders* to participate in the planning and execution of the solutions.
*These groups include the Mayor’s Office, the Anchorage Assembly, Municipal government, state and federal government, business leaders, faith-based and nonprofit groups, community councils, civic groups and any other stakeholders.

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